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Craft ideas for October 2020 | Social Media Planner

Hey awesome crafters, we are about to enter the 10th month of this insane year 2020.

October comes with a bunch of important days. We creative people can too celebrate these days but in our own crafty way.

Here are few festival / seasonal events  and craft ideas you can create and post on social media.

We all are aware of the situation around, so lets keep this month crafting simple with easily available art material.

Note: There are other important events too in this month, but here am putting up with few which are easy to interpret through art and craft.

Without further ado, lets get started!

1st October: International Coffee Day

So we begin by celebrating the worlds most popular beverage.

Coffee lovers drink coffee but we crafters prefer painting with it, isn’t it.


This monochromatic art form comes straight from the kitchens most common ingredient, COFFEE.

You can use coffee dust, crushed coffee beans or instant coffee powder to create this beautiful art form.

All you need is canvas board, coffee, water, brushes, 6 small bowls, gold color for highlights.

Mix coffee and water in different ratios to get different color varients of brown. Eg: darkest brown, medium dark brown, medium brown, medium light brown, light brown and pale yellow. Use these to paint your design. Allow to dry for 6 hours and the apply a protective layer of varnish.

Design: Starry Night, Van Gogh

2nd October: Gandhi Jayanti

Most important day in India is Gandhi Jayanti- Birthday of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi aka. Mahatma Gandhi. It reminds us of Gandhijis ideologies- non violence and swadeshi. The charkha or spinning wheel symbolizes Gandhijis constructive policy of self-sufficiency.

Mandala Art:

Here we take opportunity to interpret the charkha in Mandala art form.

Are You a Hobby Crafter or Artist. Do you wish that your art should scale new heights and reach across the world. Then consider joining our facebook group, where you would learn to  connect digital platforms with your art.

9th October: World post / post office day

9th of October is celebrated as world post day to mark the anniversary of Universal Postal Union which was established in year 1874.

We all are aware of postal stamps (a token of prepayment of the postal service). With advancement in latest technology, the worl has moved from postals to electronic mediums -emails and e-messaging. Postal stamp collection is still a passion for many.

Fluid and Decoupage Art:

Here we try to incorporate the decoupaged postal stamp with memerizing fluid art. 

16th October: World Food Day

This day is celebrated to honour Food and Agricultural Organisation UN founded in 1945. It’s a day of action for tackling global hunger.

We entered year 2020 with global health crisis. Grow Nourish and Sustain is the call of the hour. Food is the essence of life.

Clay Miniature Art:

Lets cherish our most basic need by creating miniature food using air dry clay.

17th to 25th October: Navratri

The nine night ten days hindu festival, marks the divine victory over the evil.

Pot Decoration and Magazine Holder:

We depict this in our art with decorated earthern pot (garbo) and a magazine holder made from empty cereal box with painted panels of goddess and demon.

I hope you enjoy this article.

This October, do create artworks and post on your social media.

Remember, for better reach of your art works on social media its very important to keep your social media active by regularly posting.

Don’t forget to tag us @creatifcitta on instagram

Once you tag us don’t forget to message us your email address on instagram, we would mail you a surprise.

 Consider joining our facebook crafters community where you will get insightfull tips and tricks to promote your art on various social media platforms and blogs.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Simran

    I loved it

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