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Creative Gift Wrapping Guide

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We wrap gifts to show regards for the recipient. When a special occasion is involved, we make sure to make the recipient feels special.
Of course, there are various good looking, gift wrapping papers and boxes available in the market to choose from. But, these fail to deliver that special feeling and personal touch. They cut-out the thoughtfulness from the gift. Also, gifts come in various shapes and sizes. One packaging doesn’t fit and suit all.
Yeah! These are all enough reasons you need to motivate yourselves into developing your originality and creativity for gift wrapping. Present a gift of uniqueness, and Your gift will never be the same again.

Tips to keep in mind during final gift packing:

Measure the size:

The first step in making a gift box is to get the right measurements. Start with measuring the size and volume of the item to be wrapped. Next, draw the shape of the container needed on a rough sheet of paper. Have shared a few exciting templates that you can download and refer to, at the end of this article. Cut out the shape and assemble it, check if the gift fits well. If it needs certain resizing or changes, do it and check again. When the gift is well suited in the sample box, redraw it on the final gift wrapping paper. Assemble and pack your gift.

Choosing the right gift wrapping paper:

Choose perfect gift wrapping paper to suit the age, gender, choices of the recipient. Also, it should match up with the gift that it is going to hold within. 

Consider the weight of the gift. How heavy the present is, determines the type of paper you would use and the design of the box you would want to create. For instance, while planning for a box for a heavy gift item, the paper used should be sufficiently heavy stock.

We mostly use heavy stock paper for making gift boxes. You can use a light-weight delicate rice paper for holding a small gift.

There are a vast plethora of various papers available today. The textures, weights and colours will make it easy and fun for you.

Get the neat finish:

Draw the box’s pattern on the reverse side of the paper (inside or the paper’s wrong side). 

Use a cutting matcraft knife, and ruler to cut along the straight lines and scissors for curved lines.

Then score along the fold lines with the stencil pen or bone folder or scoring tool. Be careful not to tear the paper. Scoring the folds would ensure getting neat, crisp folds.

Let not the overlapping paper spoil the boxes shape:

When two pieces overlap, trim the inner one slightly smaller than the outer for a super neat finish. If needed, you should glue any overlapped areas in the design securely.


We use some gift boxes as they are, thanks to the pretty paper you have chosen. Else, you can even add a bit of decoration to it. Remember to consider the age and gender of the recipient and choose the right decoration accordingly. For instance, a colourful sticker can go for a teenage boy, whereas little fur embellishment for a girl. Small paper quilled motifs do look pretty cool.

Ribbons are for all:

We often use ribbons in gift wrapping. Choose a suitable ribbon for your gift. Consider the durability, width, colour, design, etc. A ribbon is used to create lovely bows, and these bows are all you need for making a stunning decoration on the gift.

The tag:

A small message tag, to send across your wish for the recipient. Secure it in place with a tape and sign off with your love note.

We have compiled some super wishes and designed it on message tags for different occasions, especially for you to download them and use on your gifts.

Give your loving touches to creative gift wrapping. I do hope you would enjoy making your gift boxes and wrappings.

Decahedral Box and Template

This box is suitable for packing irregular shaped gifts. Preferably using handmade paper gives a nice finish and look

Creative Gift Wrapping Guide
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Creative Gift Wrapping Guide
Gift wrapping guide | FREE template download for gift boxes | Give a personalized touch to gift-giving | Gift box tags FREE download
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Creatif Citta
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